Sunday, October 12, 2014

St. Simon's Island (Anchorage)

Sunday October 12, 2014
31 10 673 N
81 24 661 W

Tonight we are meeting friends on a DeFever 44' at an anchorage new St. Simon's Island for "Docktails". The anchorage is only 29 NM away so it will be an easy run. It is another perfect day, in the high 80s with a bit of a southerly. The only notable event was crossing paths with a large alligator - maybe 8' long. We stopped and turned to get a better photo but he (or she) was too self conscious and disappeared into the murky water.

We are now anchored, good spot but open to the North.

Our friends ran late so we invited them over to Tide Hiker for dinner. Very pleasant evening.

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