Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Palm Cove (Marina)

Wednesday October 22, 2014
30 17 410 N
81 25 914 W

Big Change of Plans

Back in Marsh Harbor Deidre took a spill off her bike and landed on her knee. She was really hurting for a few days but after a while her knee felt better, but not great. In Charleston she went to a doctor and received a cortisone shot in her knee and arranged to get an MRI.  The cortisone helped but the MRI showed a damaged meniscus and some "loose bodies" and a bit of arthritis. Over the past few weeks she has not been able to ride a bike and can only walk a few hundred yards without experiencing pain. A few days ago she took an awkward step and experienced lots of pain. So we have decided to delay our winter cruise and have her knee issues to attended to with surgery.

We have made arrangements to store Tide Hiker at Palm Coast. Deidre has been in contact with Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale and has arranged a consultation on 11/3. Hopefully the procedure will follow soon after. Being in Arizona means that Deidre can recuperate in our house at Anthem. We will arrive in Palm Coast on Friday and fly to Phoenix on Tuesday.

Shipping on the St. John River

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