Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jacksonville Landing (Free Dock)

Saturday October 18, 2014
30 19 467 N
81 39 665 W

Long day with a good fun ending.

Its desirable to catch the tide for the 25 mile run up the St. Johns River to Jacksonville, otherwise you can be pushing a 2 1/2 knot current all the way. So we had consulted the tide tables and timed our departure to arrive 1/2 hour after the flood started. But because of the dinghy motor problem we were delayed a day. So I checked the tide tables and adjusted our Fernandina departure 1/2 hour earlier.

We dropped the mooring right on time at 8:30 AM and headed out into the Atlantic. It was a nice sunny day with a long 1-2 foot swell and virtually no chop. We were making great progress when I realized we would arrive at the entrance an hour early - I had adjusted our departure time the wrong way! So we slowed Tide Hiker back to about 4 kts to delay our arrival. What a drag.

Our target was a free dock at "Jacksonville Landing" - this is in the middle of the Jacksonville entertainment district. Because it was now the weekend - and a football weekend - we were doubtful that there would be space for us but we lucked out and squeezed in at about 5:30PM. The place was really hopping.

Mixed into the restaurants is a stage with live bands till after we wet to bed. The theme was all latino and had the whole place hopping. Most notable was the number of large gyrating asses. Deidre and I had pizza dinner.

Sunday the Cleveland Browns are in town to play the Jaguars. Let's hope no-one throws any batteries at Tide Hiker.

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