Thursday, November 20, 2014

Back to Tide Hiker

Monday November 17, 2014

We fly back on Wednesday so we are now in closing and packing mode.

We had discovered a few termite trails on the slab so called the termite people and they came and treated the affected area today. I had a haircut - lovely lady cut my hair and in the course of our conversation asked me if it was possible to "drive to Canada from Arizona?"

Tuesday November 18, 2018

Bill and Tonni arrived back from PV late yesterday. We enjoyed breakfast with them this morning. On the way over we drove passed a few hot air balloons touring the desert.

Bill had taken a spill in the hotel and hurt a leg. Our mutual friends Elliot and Leslie Kaufman had been in PV at the same time, and Leslie had taken a spill and broken her hip! She needed a hip replacement, done at a local hospital.

Breakfast at "Harolds"

Balloons off Carefree Highway

Wednesday November 19, 2014

Closed the house up and on our way to the airport by 11 AM. Flying these days is a pain in the rear, but we arrived Jacksonville safely and on time. We had booked a car for the 90 mile drive to Palm Coast and Tide Hiker was pleased to see us at about 1:45 AM. 

Thursday November 20th, 2014

Made good use of the car replenishing the larder and enjoyed lunch and dinner out with our hosts. I am feeling fat. We plan to head out in the AM. All the Tide Hiker systems seem OK - we will know for sure tomorrow. 

You can see Tide Hiker on the other side, behind Phil and Sara's boat

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