Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Specialist

Tuesday November 4, 2014
Mayo Clinic

To make a long story short, an operation on Deidre;s knee probably would not help. There are issues with the meniscus and some "floaters" but the basic issue is arthritis, and that cannot be treated surgically. Some time in the distant future when pain becomes a real issue a "knee replacement" might be appropriate. But for now a quarterly shot of cortisone is the most intervention she can expect. They gave her a shot on the spot. I did not look.

This is not the result we wanted or expected to hear. We were hoping for "Sure, we can clean up the joint and you will be back on your feet in two or three weeks". Now we have to figure out what happens next.

We were back on the street by 11 AM so we decided to head for lunch in Sedona. It was a beautiful day, Sedona is a very scenic part of the world, and we have a couple of favorite restaurants there. So that is what we did and it was very pleasant.

The view from out table

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