Saturday, November 22, 2014

Banana River

Saturday November 22, 2014
28 50 141 N
80 48 347 W

We slept OK although it was a bit windy during the night. The batteries were a bit low when we awoke so we decided not to make coffee etc until we were underway. The engines started well and the windlass managed the anchor. (That dealt with two of my night terrors)

We have two diesel generators. We normally use #2 to charge the batteries and for cooking. It obviously has an issue in its starting circuitry - outside of my pay grade. The #1 generator is larger (14KVA) and that will run every 110V and 2220V system on the boat, including the HVAC. I did not want to try it last night in case the electrical fault was shared by both generators. We only had the one spare fuse. So we waited until we were right outside the Titusville City Marina to give it a crank - and it ran OK. If it had blown the DC circuit again we could have visually navigated into the marina, taken a slip and called an electrician. So we are safe to proceed "on one generator" until we get to Burnt Store where we will have time to find an electrician and order parts if needed.

The rest of the day was pretty ordinary. The sky was overcast with a low ceiling and rain on and off. The wind was blowing 15/20 mph with gusts to 25 but we were in sheltered water. We are now anchored in the Banana River.

We have noticed lots of porpoise activity the last couple of days. On Sunday morning they were very active in the anchorage. When I was in the shower they were so close to the boat that I almost could have reached thru the port hole and patted them. As we were leaving one of the other boats called us on the radio and said that the porpoises looked like they were "scratching their backs on our hull"

Gloomy morning, Banana River anchorage
Strange boat

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