Saturday, November 29, 2014

Moore Haven

Saturday November 29, 2014
26 49 904 N
81 05 405 W

Long day today, 53 NM. I find the trip across Florida's middle quite interesting because there is quite a lot of farming to see. This area is the heart of the sugar cane industry. The lake water was very muddy looking.

We arrived at Moore haven about 4 PM and tied up to the City dock. A "very black guy"with dreadlocks (no offense, just being descriptive) turned up after dark asking for the fee - he had a identity card and issued a receipt so I assume he was on the up and up. He told us where we could get breakfast in the AM

Lots of "jungle" down to the water's edge in places

I liked this house

The lock into the lake

Plenty of sugar cane

Water hyacinth islands

Sugar cane burning in the distance

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