Sunday, February 5, 2017


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Another easy drive back to Charleston, arriving at Mason's house early after dinner, then on the the senior Taylor's about 9 PM.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Picked up Kylie and Mason after a late breakfast for a trip to the doctors for a final sonogram. Kylie went in with Deidre, Mason and I headed off for some lunch and a run. The visit took longer than expected because of some possible issue with the baby's lung function, and after a quick phone conference the medical people decided to move the CS to that evening. We were all a little stressed as we drove to the hospital where Deidre helped check Kylie into a room.

"Baby Girl Taylor" was born at about 6:30 PM without complication. She was 7 lbs Xozs and 19" long. Kylie and Ryan are still working on a name! I will add to the photos as I am able to grab peoples phones.

Saturday February 4th, 2017

Deidre and I shared the day with Gene and Lovie. That evening we celebrated with a bottle of champers. Mason is staying with us at the senior Taylors.

Sunday February 5th, 2017

Another day mostly at the hospital with Kylie and "Baby Taylor". Deidre is sleeping over tonight to give Ryan a break.

Monday February 6th, 2017

Baby Taylor has a name - Audrey Louden Taylor !
We drove her home about 2:00 PM
She seems a contented baby, but has lost a bit too much weight and so will be receiving supplemental nourishment until she reverses this trend.

Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday ....

What about me, Grandpa?

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