Saturday, February 18, 2017

Franklin Lock (ACE Slip)

Friday February 17, 2017
26 43 388 N
81 41 455 W

Easy morning after a great night's sleep. The sleep did not start well because we had a intermittent but nasty noise that took a while to find. Turns out that the snubber was occasionally playing the anchor chain like a violin, and causing the anchor chain to vibrate. Eventually I let out an extra 10' of chain and the noise went away.

It was a sunny and calm day, and the western section of the Okeechobee waterway is quite pretty, so we both enjoyed the ride. The bird life around the edge of the lake is rather amazing, plus we saw a large alligator and what we think was an otter.

Coming off the lake. The tall grass was full of birds

Anchorages are a bit rare on the waterway (not allowed to anchor in the shipping channel) so we had a long day ahead of us to get to an Army Corp of Engineers picnic ground that has 8 40' slips (although we can only fit into the two end slips because of our beam.)

We arrived just at dark after a 63 NM day (long for us) and were delighted to find friends already there who directed us to a vacant slip and took our lines. Deidre had been slow cooking pork in the hot pot all day, so we took our dinners over to the other boat and dined as a group. A good day.

Reflections from the dock

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