Saturday, February 25, 2017

Marina Jack - Slip

Friday February 24, 2017

We eventually got our slip number about 10:45 AM and by 11:30 we at our slip and secure. Rendezvous sign up was at 1:00 PM and we got our name tags and "free drink coupons".  The rest of the day was spent cleaning up Tide Hiker. The evening activity was "dock-tails" with the crowd, which was OK.

Saturday February 25, 2017

The Rendezvous breakfast was fine but I did not wear shoes so the management tossed me out. I returned to Tide Hiker and continued cleaning. I attached the "FOR SALE" sign on Tide Hiker about 11 AM - so sad.

We were "lunch on board" hosts and we hosted 3 visitors, and that was pleasant.

The big event was "Open Boats" and for obvious reasons we were an "open boat". We had lots of visitors and received lots of compliments "but received no offers".

Sunday, Feb 26, 2017

Another beautiful warm sunny day. Deidre and I wandered into town for a late breakfast. Attended a seminar on cruising to Cuba. Sunday night farewell dinner.

Monday, Feb 27, 2017

A couple of meetings this morning, followed by lunch cruise on the Marina Jack dinner boat. Met Barb and Don at the bar for Happy Hour drinks and snacks. Then back to Tide Hiker for cards.

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