Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Wednesday May 3, 2023

 I must have been tired, I slept 9 1/2 hours. We had crepes for breakfast, the only French cooking I trust.

Guess what for breakfast?

Tummy in!

We bought tickets for the Colorbus (That is how they spell it.) After almost a month, one of our conclusions is that the French do not know how the queue. Getting tickets for the bus was another example. Its annoying. Everyone is being polite, but no one knows "Who's next". 

The bus took us around the old harbor to the north side coast then up to the cathedral. I am not interested in cathedrals, but Deidre likes to look inside and I expected the view would be good. Sadly, the bus dropped us about 1,000 steps below. Steps are not Deidre's friends, but she sent me off ahead to get my photos and made it all the way. She really must have been motivated. I was must impressed and she had a look inside. Lots of gold and statues etc.

At the top

Deidre on the 1,000 steps. She did well.

The 360 degree views were great. Marseilles is a very scenic city. I think every WW2 book that I read pictured Marseilles as a rather gritty place. I now think its rather spectacular, and obviously quite a melting spot of races. 

We made it back to the bus stop but must have waited 30 - 45 minutes for the next bus. Bit of a drag. Back in the old port area we settled for a couple of baguettes for lunch. We had seen the Chateau D'if from the cathedral and decided to find the ferry to the island. 

Our Ferry

Approaching Chateau D'If

There was a bunch more steps getting up from the boat to the Chateau, and Deidre was a bit tired.

After a rest

Looking back

Inside the tower stairs. Deidre did not come with me.

Another photo of blue water

Back in the city we stopped for a beer, a last walk around and a few more photos. We killed a bit of time to allow peek traffic to pass before we headed home.

We were back in the car by about 6PM and got out of Marseilles quite easily. By 7 PM we were a bit peckish. On the way to Marseilles I had noticed a BURGER KING in one of the rest areas. I am not much of a fast food fan, but I do like a BK "Whopper" occasionally ("Hold the mayo and the pickles") and their standard chicken sandwich ("Hold the mayo"). 

So we stopped. When I ordered the Whopper and politely requested "hold the mayo and the pickles" the nice girl just looked puzzled. Apparently they don't alter food orders in France. A Whopper with mayo is a sloppy mess so I changed to the chicken, thinking I could scrape out the mayo. Turned out they had not skinned the chicken either. Maybe I have lost some weight?

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