Monday, May 1, 2023


 May 1, 2023

Apparently May Day is a virtual Public Holiday AND a protest day in France. We woke up to crowd noise at the end of our street. We walked down to have a look and (apparently) it was the local Communist Party having a demonstration. After 3 weeks, we know the routine and headed out of town.

This is what interrupted us when we arrived in Ales. (Not to be confused with Arles.)

So we parked and enjoyed morning tea at a nice place right next to the demonstration. It was a bit funny, the people in the restaurant took absolutely no interest in the demonstration. 
Deidre did not approve. 

But our "Grand Slam" crepes took her mind off it ASAP

Taking photos in Anduze

The train went straight into a 500 m tunnel. The carriages were basically "open sided" and had no lights. Some of the many kids got quite spooked with the noise and the darkness. . The train emerged onto a bridge over the river. 

Lots of bridges and tunnels

A stop in the middle of the route.

Another river

Another tunnel

Another bridge

Our "train a vapeur" changing ends 

As well as tunnels and bridges, the construction included many deep cuttings with their sides re-enforced with natural stone. The amount of labor involved must have been massive. 

Apparently lots of water powered grinding mills in this region

Just another tunnel. 

Deidre thinks I like trains? She might be right. 
I stuck my head out of the window to smell the smoke and get the soot in my eyes. 

Ian Meckiff

Rich Bennau

Norman O'Neal

Wally Grout

Neil Harvey

Alan Davidson

Bill Laurey

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