Monday, May 8, 2023


 As it seems with most small towns in France, Uzes is perched on a bit of a hill. On once side flows the Alzon river which has produced a fairly substantial tree covered gorge. You can look into the gorge from the terraced walkways around the cathedral. 

I need to get at least 10K of steps each day, so on "rest days" I would usually head out looking for a walk. And after a bit of exploring a found a fun 8K walk in the gorge.

The following is my photo-journey:

Turn left past the news agent

Continue on past the underground parking

Approaching the side of the cathederal

The path starts next to the cthederal

I have not tried the drinking water

This structure is part of the cathedral foundation 

Maybe it was a hot tub for the nuns in the old days?

Now we are on the path

After a while it becomes a bit more natural

This building maybe be a renovated mill because it has water running thru it

There is the water!

The path merges with a roadway for a bit, and some fancy houses.

Back on the walking path

The walking path becomes a public right of way over private property

A gate, The owner makes it clear you are now walking on private property

Cathedral up on the hill

Back into trees

Now down to water level

Quite a few old weirs that accumulated water for the old mills

One of the old mills

Another old weir

Another old mill

Now into the public park and picnic area

Steep path back up to the town

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