Monday, May 8, 2023


 Sunday, May 7, 2023

We had met a couple of Aussies (from Elwood, Melbourne) in Marseilles, and we had arranged to meet up in Paris for lunch. 

That afternoon we just wandered around, ending up near the Louvre and alongside the river.  It rained a bit. We ended up having dinner at an Irish Pub. 

One of those funny little European cars. I might get one to keep in my trunk.

Our hotel

Walking in the rain

I always wanted to be tall

This is impressive. It is a 100% mirrored building. What you are seeing in tis photo are the reflected images of its neighbors. Very cool.

Seems pretty typical. All the chairs face the street for best people watching

You guess.

Not the Nile.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Most of the day we wandered around the City on a "Hop-on Hop-off bus" and took in all the sights from the open air top of the bus. We did two complete circuits, but only "hopped-off" at two places - Notre Dame (to have a look at the repairs) and the Opera Garnier (to grab some lunch. There is no doubt that Paris is an impressive and beautiful place.

We enjoyed a fancy and expensive last supper.

Front seat!

Lunch at a fancy place

Lots of plug in charging 

Notre Dame repairs


People on the top

I would not want to live there, but the residential buildings are impressive

Australian flag?

Not sure what this is all about. Does not seem finished.

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