Monday, June 8, 2015

Bath Ontario "Loyalist Bay Marina"

Monday June 8, 2015
44 10.959 N
76 45.799 W

The wild weather lasted until the wee hours. Deidre went to bed at about 11 PM after the Tonys, I stayed for a couple of hours more just to convince myself that the anchor was doing the job. At about 3 AM a line of thunder storms rolled thru to add to the fun. After that the wind seemed to settle down to a steady 20/25 knots and we both slept.

The morning dawned gray and windy. It seemed too stormy to approach the marina so we decided to hold off till about noon when the Canadian weather people said the winds would abate. Soon after 11 there seemed to be a break in the weather and we decided to haul up the anchor and head to the marina. All went well and we were secure by Noon. Cavara followed us in 15 minutes later. It was nice to be on terra firma.

We were both flying the yellow flag and so first thing was to call customs and clear into Canada. The appeal of Bath is that there are no Customs agents present, one clears-in on the phone, and that only took about 15 minutes. The rest of the day we attended to boat duties - putting up the mast and radio aerials, washing the decks, loading water, changing fuel filters, sorting out the wifi etc etc. Don and Barb visited Tide Hiker for champagne dinner.

Loyalist Cove - Bath Ontario - yellow flag

Power at the dock was only 15 amps (at 110 V). In the USA we are used to 50 amps (at 220 V). We will need to get used to this idea in Canada. We kept blowing the breaker on the dock. To use the toaster I needed to shut down the battery charger and the freezer!

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