Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Near Rome - Bulkhead - Lock 20

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
43 08.617 N
75 17.558 W

Maybe it will stop raining today? Seemed to rain all night again. Tide Hiker was very soggy when we awoke. Cavara negotiated an early start today - 7:30 AM - as we want to make some miles in this soggy weather. We are outside lock 14 and want to make it 39 NM thru lock 20 AND stop in St. Johnsville for fuel AND stop in Utica to pick up a part that Don has ordered.

St Johnsville has the last "cheap fuel" for a thousand miles or so. We will just be "topping up" with about 125 gallons Their price is $2.90 tax paid - in Canada it will be over $5.00. Our stop in Utica was cancelled - the part was not shipped.

The wet weather seems to be lifting, the overcast a bit higher. At Little Falls we rode up the deepest of the locks - a 40' lift. (AKA Lock 17). May not sound much but when you are "in the hole" looking up, its very deep.

We made it to Lock 20 with about 5 minutes to spare (The locks close for pleasure craft at 5 PM) The weather was clearing and the sun was peeking in and out. We tied up to the wall on the west side of the lock and put out some lawn chairs and enjoyed a beer in the watery sun.

There seems to be an improved tow path along this section of the canal. It seems popular with the locals and we see a lot of people biking and dog walking. A lady walking a dog visited with us and offered to give us a ride to the local super market.

Still and gray morning

Lock 17 entrance - enter UNDER the gate

The door dropping down

Inside Lock 17

Where the canal workers sleep

Some of the approaches are a little "Gotham City"

Tide to the wall just after Lock 20

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