Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oswego - free wall

Friday June 5, 2015
43 27.341 N
76 30.489 W

Easy day today, just 18 miles and 5 locks. We arrived in Oswego at about 11:30 AM and tied to the wall with the usual minor drama and running around. Soon as we were settled we unloaded a bike and I rode over to the post office and picked up the mail - everything we expected was there. Back on Tide Hiker I paid all the bills and signed our tax returns, then back to the PO. Purchased 6 gallons of oil at NAPA on the way back. At 4 PM we headed to the movies to see "San Andreas" which was fun.

Wearing our special 3-d glasses

Saturday, June 6, 2015

This morning I realized that I made a strategic mistake when parking the boat on the wall - we are exactly adjacent to a high rise building that puts the boat in a shadow all morning - so no solar power! We have not needed to run a generator since we left the yard - we have been cruising almost every day and the solar has been quietly picking up the slack. So this morning we decided to fire up a generator so that Deidre could do the washing and we could put a few amps back into the batteries.

Barb and Don had rented a car and headed off to pick a spare alternator and to visit Barbs old stomping grounds in Albany. Deidre went with them for the ride. I stayed back to attend to some jobs and keep an eye on the boats. The radio was on and I heard a familiar voice calling the lock  - could it really be??? Two years ago we had palled up with an Aussie and a Kiwi on "Headquarters" and here they were. They had stored their boat for almost two years and been back in NZ, and only picked it up the day before. An amazing coincidence. It was a fun reunion involving a few beers and dinner out.

Oswego - panels now in the sun

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