Monday, June 29, 2015

Rimouski Marina

Monday June 29, 2015
48 28.784 N
68 30.771 W

Still gray and raining this morning. I should have taken photos of the anchorage last night, as this morning the cliffs and mountains were shrouded in cloud. But the wind had turned as forecast and the anchorage was quite calm. I was up about 7:30AM while Deidre slept on. I wanted to start a generator so I could make coffee and toast and run up the batteries, but I did not want to disturb her. (I am such a considerate husband!)

Another bright Canadian summer morning.
The 20 miles or so to Rimouski were uneventful. We were running into a 15 kt breeze and against the tide but Tide Hiker plowed on. The waves were beginning to build but we were in the marina shortly after noon and out of it. This seems more of a combination working and pleasure boat marina.

After registering at the office we took a cab to the local Walmart - yes, they are everywhere. But the Walmart did not have fresh veges or meat, so after we returned I rode a bike to a supermarket and finished the shopping.

Tide Hiker has some friends to chat with here

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