Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Kingston (Marina)

Tuesday June 10, 2015

We planned to leave at 8 AM but conditions were a bit foggy so we decided to delay departure an hour. We headed out at 9 AM and soon found ourselves in pea soup fog. Conditions were very calm, we only had about 12 miles to go and there was virtually no other traffic, so my opinion was that it would be good practice for the fog we can expect on the Atlantic Coast. The chart plotter tracked our course and the radar showed other boats so it seemed pretty safe.

Deidre - there is Cavara!!!!

We had been into Kingston before so Tide Hiker led the way in. The entrance thru the rock breakwater is only about 50’ wide and visibility was only about 100’. Fortunately the chart plotter was “dead nuts on” and we were exactly where we needed to be when the opening in the breakwater emerged from the fog. We headed for the “free wall” in the harbor that was available when we were here two years ago – but as we approached we saw a series of “no docking” signs. So we had no choice but to take a slip in the official marina.

On the way over the lake on Sunday Tide Hiker was besieged by small “May flies”. The same happened on the way to Kingston and by the time we tied up in the marina the whole boat was covered with millions of the silly things. We complained to the Marina staff – their response was - “You should have been here last week – the flies turned white boats black!”

Apparently this part of the world is plagued with these insects for 2 or 3 weeks a year. The poor things only live about an hour. Tide Hiker is already covered with their dead bodies, with more dying every second. I wonder how Charles Darwin explained that?

May flies.

Kingston is a busy and attractive town. Not so much today as the weather was horrible. But first job was to arrange Canadian phones and data services, rain or shine. This time we were relatively successful – it’s expensive but now we have a Canadian phone number (613 483 2552 - for emergencies only! ) and we have some data for the iPad. That night we visited a pub for a beer then upstairs for “a curry”.

Wednesday June 10, 2015

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