Sunday, December 4, 2016

A little north of St. Augustine, FL

Sunday December 4, 2016
29 55 756 N
81 18 349 W

We were up at 5:30 AM and underway by 6 AM. It was very still and totally dark, but we are pretty good at navigating in the dark these days. In fact, I enjoy bringing the boat alive in the dark of an early morning. The forecast called for 10/15 SE and waves of 2' to 4' which seemed decent. My only concern was the entrance at St. Augustine, as it is a "natural" inlet that was affected by Mathew and can be a bit difficult in bad weather.

It all looked OK as the sun rose.

All went well until we were a couple of miles off shore, but still in the entrance. It might have been a wind VS. current situation and conditions were not at all "comfortable". I felt conditions would improve once we turned, but was thinking about the St. Augustine entrance in the same conditions. Deidre was also uncomfortable with the conditions. So we turned around and headed south on the ICW. All up, we "wasted" two hours but probably made a wise decision.

We are now anchored for the night in the Tolomato River, a few miles north of St. Augustine. We set the anchor pretty hard as there is quite a tidal current in the river, maybe 2 knots, and the anchor needed to manage a 180% turn when the tide changed It had been a long day (66 NM) but we managed to stay up and watch the turn of the tide to make sure the anchor re set OK. All was well and we hit the sack.

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