Saturday, December 17, 2016

Loggerhead, Stuart

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Easy run over to Stuart today, although the wind did pick up just as we were arriving at the marina. But we managed to back into our assigned slot without too much trauma, and settled in. Steve Koch was there to greet us and come on board to discuss the work to be done.

1. Recharge the Pilot House AC system ans see if that gets it going again
2. Lift the three AC pumps, rip out the old plywood base and replace with star board
3. Remove and overhaul fuel injectors in both engines.
4. Reseal all deck hardware.
5. Replace bow thruster breaker
6. Connect electric supply to new oil removal pump
7. Connect electrical supply to new reading light.

Friday, December 16, 2016

"Ubered" back to Vero to pick up the car. Called in on a couple of boat yards to talk paint repairs. Continued with work on the Fly Bridge cabinets. The weather here has been perfect - another 75 degree day today. It has been super cold and snowy in Cleveland, we feel a bit guilty. (But not much)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Lowered the dinghy over the side to the dock and removed the motor. The padlock on the motor mount was so corroded I had to grind it off. Loaded the motor into a dock cart and Deidre and I lugged it over to the car. Neither of the two Nissan outboard places would answer the phone, so it will have to wait till Monday.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Visited our favorite breakfast restaurant in the area. Afterwards cruised the local farmers market for Xmas presents.

Deidre noticed that Itzhak Perlman was playing at the Kravis Center in Palm Beach so she bought tickets and got me organized. Palm Beach is only about 1 hour south and my favorite salad restaurant is in the same area so we left with plenty of time to eat. Just Perlman on stage with an accompanist, The performance was impressive, but I suspect one needs to be a aficionado to fully appreciate his skills.

Monday, December 19, 2016

We are now seriously on the count down to Xmas. There is a list! Dropped the outboard off at a Nissan dealer in Ft. Pierce. Deidre headed off to the mall.

All the various components of the Fly Bridge cabinets are new stripped and sanded. Deidre is in charge of the varnishing and had started the doors and drawers yesterday and continued with the frames today. It will need about 5 coats so the project will not be complete until after Xmas.

I have made contact with three boat painters in the area - one is off the list (totally unreliable) and we are waiting on quotes from the other two. Its a slow process.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I am trying to make 10,000 steps a day and usually find myself walking in the dark to do it. One of my roues is along the river front under the highway bridge.

Wednesday December 21, 2016

Visited by another painter first thing this AM. Picked up the dinghy motor and after lunch loaded it onto the dinghy and hoisted the dinghy back on deck. Progress.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive bridge photo! Your tenacity and knowledge of your boat is amazing.
