Wednesday, December 7, 2016

South of Melbourne, FL

Wednesday December 7, 2016

Beautiful day, sunny and warm and not a cloud in the sky. We are now dressed in shorts and sandals, and ran the boat from the fly bridge. Cool change expected across the east tonight but it will only mean a few degrees and a change in wind direction for us. But real cold and snow in Cleveland.

We have anchored about 30-40 miles south of Cape Canaveral. There is a launch tonight, and we thought about hanging around for the day to see it up close, but we are now on a bit of a schedule, plus we have been disappointed by launch delays in the past. So we will watch it from here.

Only about 21 NM tomorrow to our first long marina stop in North Vero Beach. Saturday we plan to rent a car and drive back to Charleston to pick up our car. Crazy business!

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