Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Tuesday December 6, 2016
28 37 56 N
80 48 44 W

Was really quite windy this AM as we pulled out of the marina. I cannot be specific as my wind meter is busted - one of the casualties of 13 months of inactivity. But the wind managed to lean Tide Hiker over 5 or 10 degrees during a few extra strong gusts. But all really "no matter" as we are in the ICW and other than needing to correct our heading on a regular basis, no big deal. (Because Tide Hiker has more superstructure towards the stern than the bow, a strong wind gust from the side tends to turn her into the wind).

It was too windy to be up on the fly bridge so we spent the day in the pilot house listening to "audio books". Today we finished "Victoria" and started a new one called "The chemist". It is very pleasant as we plod along - sipping a cup of coffee, snacking on a few nuts or a cut apple, listening to the wind and the story, looking at the map and figuring out our next stop. I will miss it.

We took a $20 mooring ball at Titusville, too lazy to anchor I suppose. We are right next to Cape Canaveral and there is a launch Thursday night. But we have decided not to wait.

Looks like we are going to have another "train night". There is a busy rail line following the coast here and the locos must blast their whistle at every level crossing? Last night Deidre counted each train blowing its whistle 30 times, and there were plenty of trains. How do the locals sleep?

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