Thursday, December 1, 2016

South Edisto River

Thursday December 1, 2016
32 37 134 N
80 23 893 W

We were underway right at slack. Mike and our new neighbor "Christian" came to drop our lines and see us off. The weather was overcast, cool and windy, but the forecast called for sunny skies as the day progressed.

I was on alert for operational issues, but all systems seemed to come back to life. The diesel fuel was over 12 months old so I watched the vacuum gauges on the fuel system closely. Tide Hiker was back!

The weather forecast is not looking as good as I had hoped so we may be going south on the ICW. So we may continue past Beaufort tomorrow and end up in Georgia. Oh well!

Some sort of fire from our anchorage

An eagle watched our approach

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