Friday, September 18, 2015

Annapolis (Mooring Ball)

Friday September 18, 2015
38 58.581 N
76 28.982 W

Short run today so we slept in and did not pull the anchor until 7:30 AM. Another perfect day, lots of sun and light winds. Warm enough to run the boat from the fly bridge.

We entered the Annapolis inner harbor at about 1 PM and we pleased to see at least three "heavy" mooring balls available. We picked up one, Cavara was a few minutes behind us and picked up another. There was a cat flying the Australian red ensign beside us. They were from Brisbane.

Annapolis is just a great place, one of my all time favorites with lots of good memories. We dropped the dink in and headed ashore for a walk around and a bit of shopping. Big weekend in Annapolis - "Change of Command" day at the Naval Academy, and a home game for the Navy football team. Before we returned to Tide Hiker we made reservations for another farewell dinner with Don and Barb at the "oldest inn in Maryland" - 1750.

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