Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Tuesday September 1, 2015
42 02 782 N
70 10 989 W

This place is a hoot!
For those that are not aware, Provincetown is essentially a gay vacation community. Lots of guy couples holding hands and very interesting leather shops. Don't ask me how I know. Sorry that the following photos are from the rear, but I just did not have the gonads to take them from in front. (That "guy" with the bra on looks pretty tough!)

I would not wear boots with those shorts!
What's with the boots? Its summer!

We dropped the mooring ball at about 7:45 AM. Nick came with us for the ride. Our timing was all wrong - the flood tide was very strong and held back our speed  - or that's what I thought. After a couple of hours at 5 knots I realized that the port engine was not in gear - I was running the boat from the flying bridge and the port engine control had not engaged the transmission. Something new to think about.

Once we were running two props our speed reverted to 7 plus knots and we started making good progress. It was a perfect day - about 80 degrees, sunny and a mild breeze. To add to a nice day we saw a couple of "big" whales including a full tail show! We arrived right on schedule at 3 PM and took a mooring ball.

Our plan was to head into town and "take in the sights" for an hour or two, enjoy an early dinner and put Nick on the 7:30 PM fast ferry back to Boston. However Deidre's knee was acting up and she decided to take a break, so Nick and I headed in "alone". Now Provincetown is a very gay community and Nick and I make a fine couple, so I am sure we turned a few heads! We stopped for a beer and a couple of shots and met a very nice couple - just married and on their honeymoon - turned out the groom (huh?) was an IRS agent, so we were extra friendly.

The history books say that Provincetown is where the mayflower settles first set foot in the USA. There is a very impressive monument to that effect. I imaging the Pilgrims would be a bit uncomfortable arriving there today.

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