Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sassafras River Anchorage

Thursday September 17, 2015
39 22.405 N
76 02.800 W

I really do not like the Delaware River. Not sure why, maybe its because we have to go North, which is the wrong direction, plus its just a boring run. Once again the tide is important, so we were up and underway at 6:30 AM. I hate getting out of bed at that hour, but I love running the boat in the calm and half light of an early morning. We were thru Cape May and out of the canal by 7:30 AM. Don had judged the tide perfectly, we average 8.5 knots up the river and hit the C&D canal right at slack. After an hour or so at slack the current had turned and we rode it thru the canal and into the northern Chesapeake. All in all, 85 miles in 10.5 hours, not bad.

We anchored in the Sassafras river against the southern shore, made up of cliffs and trees. There was not much wind but we were totally sheltered. There were no other boats, just the two of us. I felt good to be back in the Chesapeake, its a cruising paradise. It had been another long day so we were in bed by about 9 PM. I love sleeping in a safe anchorage.

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