Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Lutz Creek Anchorage

Wednesday September 30, 2015
36 14.459 N
75 55.538 W

We have a new variable to deal with - "Joaquin" is now a hurricane and aiming at North Carolina. Our plan this morning was to head south ASAP and hope that the storm stayed off shore so that we would get south of the storm before it made landfall. But the forecast track is now aimed at North Carolina. So we have made a reservation in New Bern where we "rode out" Sandy. New Bern is 3 long days away but we can arrive Friday night, 24 - 48 hours ahead of Jaoquin. Will be an interesting week.

This morning we took on 497 gallons of diesel at $1.92 a gallon! This delayed our departure until 10 AM, and we were delayed more at the Great Bridge lock and then at the Centerville lifting bridge. For the first few miles we had plenty of company, but they all "peeled off" along the way and we were on our own again.

There was a line at the lock - then a barge came out!

The line up of big guys at Coinjock. Too spoiled the anchor.

Ten miles past Great Bridge and we feel like we are back into the wilderness. The East Coast of the USA is really quite amazing - one minute in civilization, next minute in the Amazon. It is really beautiful and primitive country to travel through.

We pushed on until 5:30 PM but only made 43 NM in total. That leave two big days to get to New Bern. Anchored in the North Landing River for the night. Its calm now, a wind change is expected about midnight. The weather looks a bit spooky, lots of lightening around.

TV reception was pretty good. But when we muted the TV we started to hear noises. Looking out on the aft deck we discover millions - billions? - of bugs. Their combined wing beating noise is noticeable. They are too thick in the air to go out to close the aft cabin door. We made sure all the screens were in place and went to bed.

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