Sunday, September 20, 2015

Solomons (Washburn's Boat Yard)

Saturday, September 19, 2015
38 19.958 N
76 21.526 W

Pleasant 44 NM run south to "The Solomons". This is a large boating center, nobody seems to know why. There are no big towns close by, the area is really quite isolated. There are several big marinas and several boat yards. We are here to get a few things investigated and fixed up that are "above my pay grade". My biggest issue is the #2 generator that bogs down way below its rated capacity. Other jobs:

1. I cannot get fuel to flow out of the stb-aft fuel tank. The three other tanks are down to about 1/4 full, but the stb-aft tank is chocker. As a result Tide Hiker has a weird list.
2. The stb exhaust hose in the ER is running too hot. I am thinking maybe the elbow is clogged somewhat?
3. The sport transmission control cable on the flybridge is out of adjustment. Leaving Boston we were running on one engine and did not realize for an hour or so that the port transmission had not engaged.
4. I have ordered a new control cable for the Glendenning. It needs to be installed. I could probably do it, but since there will be a mechanic in the ER......
5. The gasket behind the mechanical fuel pump on the Onan is leaking. These guys are Onan dealers so should have the part.

Sunday September 22, 2015

Just so happens that old friends John and Bonnie are in the Solomons. We met up with them for dinner last night and today they arranged for us to attend the Solomons Watermen's Festival. This is the fisherman's equivalent of a tractor pull or stock car racing. The main even was a 'docking competition" for fishing boats. I have included a video below.

Monday, September 23, 2015

We were up and dressed at 8 AM, ready for the workers to arrive. Eric the manager arrived after lunch for a planning meeting. Eric and Rich came back later to run some tests on the generator. Rich started working on the transmission controls and removed the port engine elbow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

More happening today. More tests on the generator. The port engine elbow was replaced with my spare. Talked some more about the Onan. The transmission controls seem improved. The new Glendenning RPM cable was installed, and seems to work OK.

Don and Barb came over for drinks and cards. the boys and girls split 2 games of 500. They are leaving tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jon and Bonnie picked us up in their rental. Bonnie had some doctor appointments in Baltimore so we came for the ride. We enjoyed lunch in Baltimore "Little Italy" and some shopping in Baltimore and the DC suburbs. Was a fun day, back on the boat by 5 PM.

Today the stb aft tank issue was diagnosed - a bad hose that had collapsed. We decided to have all 4 hoses replaced. Waiting on parts for the Onan and hoses.Still have electrical work re the generator.

Don and Barb did not leave this morning - I suspect they enjoy our "Last suppers" too much. I think we have had 3 or 4 by now. The other reason might be the weather.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The yard is making steady progress on the remaining issues. Deidre and I took the yard car and replenished the larder. We invited a couple from another trawler in the yard over for drinks and then drove us into town for a casual dinner.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cool overcast morning. The yard have had two guys on Tide Hiker most of the day. They have promised to wrap up the work by mid afternoon.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lazy day, did some shopping and a few small jobs. Dinner out by ourselves.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Another lazy day. Out for breakfast with the Washington Post. Visited the Patuxant Navy Air museum.

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