Thursday, September 3, 2015

Edgartown - Martha's Vineyard (Mooring Ball)

Thursday September 3, 2015
41 22 780 N
70 30 305 W

Today we only had about 20 NM to cover, but once again we had a tidal current timing issue, as we needed to pass thru Wood's Hole and then Vineyard Sound. Wood's Hole has quite a reputation - quite strong currents in restricted water, an array of confusing markers and a lot of traffic. Last night I had spent some time making a very thorough route plan and I am pleased to say we made it though Woods Hole without incident, and rode the current in Vineyard Sound, making good time to Edgartown.

We must have seen 1/2 dozen ferries on the way across. Must be a busy place.

The Edgartown mooring/anchorage is simply delightful. It is nestled between the main MV island and Chappaquiddick Island. (I am sure that this name will resonate with any readers over 50 years old. Its where Teddy Kennedy "killed" Mary Joe Kapeckny.) Its a big mooring field and there are a lot of fancy boats here.

Mooring field

View of the town


Deidre's knee is still pretty bad so rather than dropping the dinghy we employed the "launch" for a ride to town. My first reaction to town was how different to Provincetown! Its all very pucker, no rainbow coalition here! Very nice all the same.

Downtown - very pucker - not Tee Shirt shops here.

Today has been another one of those "It's good to be alive" days. After I wrap up the blog I plan to grab a beer and the New York Times and veg out on the aft deck. It just does not get any better than this.

We noticed that there is a flooding problem here at hi tide. Bit like Venice?
Friday September 4, 2015

Busy day today. Deidre's knee is still very sore, so we needed a "riding day" and not a "walking day". We took the water taxi into town at about 10:30 and headed for the bus depot. The island has an extensive bus service and an unlimited daily ride ticket for $8.00. There are four small towns on the island and our plan was to visit all of them.

About 2:30 PM at the XXX a bus station the "bus master" pointed out a red biplane overhead and told us we could both take a 30 minute ride for $150! I had just received some birthday money from my favorite mother-in-law and decided this was how I wanted to spend it. We quickly found a phone number to make a reservation and headed to the air field via the #10 and #8 bus.

This is our plane - a 1940 WACO trainer - build in Cleveland!

Red Baron and Snoopy strapped in the front seat

This strip of sand joins the main island to Chappaquiddick Island

This is the "infamous" bridge

Tide Hiker is down there somewhere.

Another view of the anchorage and the town

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