Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Deidre in South Korea

Deidre took a couple of hundred photos during her three weeks in South Korea. I have just dumped them off her phone onto my laptop and selected a few that I liked. I expect Deidre will add some more and some commentary.

Decorations at the airport

Traditional HANBOCK ladies dresses. 

Recognizable food in Seoul

The super train station at the airport

David in his work gear

Burial mound in the old capital area



Changing of the guard

Traditional bar-be-que

Spam display in anticipation of CHUSEOK holiday. After the end of WW2 the Koreans were starving. When the Americans arrived the only meat/food they had to offer was Spam. So Spam is now a traditional holiday gift. 

Jennifer and the kids

Monday, September 12, 2016

Homeless in Charleston

Saturday, September 10, 2016

We were back in the Charleston area by late afternoon after an uneventful drive. We were both a bit jet lagged, although strangely from "different directions". It was still way too hot to sleep on the boat so we had tried to arrange a B&B as we drove south, but with no success. The local hotels were full or too expensive, so we headed to Kylie's. Deidre got the spare bed and I slept on the couch.

We did pop in to see Tide Hiker - the new (underwater) hull looked great - the rest of her was very dirty. Boatyards are such dirty places.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Out to breakfast with Kylie and Mason, Ryan headed to his parents. Then off to the boat yard, it was another very hot day. While Deidre unpacked the cases I washed the decks and cleaned the ICW mustache off her bow, and then applied wax below the rub rail.

Sunday night we stayed at the same B&B as before our departure to DC.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tide Hiker could not be launched until afternoon because of the tide. So we took it easy at the B&B then visited Kylie and Mason for lunch. Tide Hiker was launched about 4 PM and we slept aboard.

Tide Hiker showing her new and expensive bottom

In we go!


The mechanic visited to start the engines and check his work. We took it easy, watching the weather. "Slack" tide was at 6:30 PM near our marina, so we cast off at 4:30 PM for the 11 mile run. Deidre stayed ashore and drove the car and met me at our marina to take the lines. Dinner on board - bliss.

Near Washington, DC


End of Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Jerry and Kate met me at the Bath railway station at a bout 7:30 PM. They had been visiting their son (my God Child!) in London and basically picked me up on their way home. Was certainly fun to see them again - it had been many moons since our/my last visit. We chatted and went to bed.

Wednesday, September 7 , 2016

Walked into downtown Frome (Rhymes with broom) for a look around and cup of coffee. Walked past Jerry and Kate's previous business and had a peek in the door. Then after a light lunch drove to Bristol to visit Jerry's sister Sherry. We chatted and reminisced most of the afternoon and ended up eating at the local pub together.

Jerry and Kate

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Jerry and Kate drove me back to Bath to catch the train to Birmingham. It was another 3 hour train ride with a couple of connections. Since I was in First Class I was offered lunch and afternoon tea.

Scones and jam and "clotted" cream - yum

I missed the airport connection at Stockport and so needed to catch another train to "Manchester Piccadilly" and then the airport train from there. Fortunately I had lots of time to mess up.

That night I slept at an (expensive) airport hotel but my flight was at 8 AM and I was advised to be at the counter no later than 6 AM. I am starting to hate airlines.


Tuesday September ??, 2016

Bryce organized a taxi to York for four of us this morning. The bus/train possibilities were just too complicated and the taxi fare divided 4 ways was reasonable. We dropped off our bags at the railway station and then headed into town. York is certainly a delightful town, but our main target was the National Steam Train museum.

After a couple of hours at the museum Bryce and I wandered around York. It is a very appealing walled town with a big cathedral and picturesque street scenes. We probably could have stayed longer but I was anxious not to miss my train! The ride to Bath was about 4 hours and I had arranged for Jerry to meet me at the bath station.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Robin Hood Bay

Monday September 5, 2016

A much nicer day for our last day - plus it was short, only about 12 miles. We were still a few miles from the coast and walked thru a variety of topography for several miles. For a few miles we walked in a gully between high stone fences, felt a bit like a 'secret passageway"

Nice walk thru the forest.

Parts of the train were nicely improved.

A few more miles on the moor

Walking on a trail between rock fences

A little town we passed through.

The English populate these sad little holiday places near the coast.  We walked thru one to reach the coast trail.

Looks like the North Sea to me!

The trail led us around the coast for a mile or two.

Robin Hood bay at low tide. Where can I put my towel?

Heading into town

We walked into town and were settled in our last B&B by about 3 PM. Gave us time to clean up and wander down to the water's edge. Robin Hood Bay "town" was a cute little place with a couple of pups and some tourist shops - but no cash machine. After walking to water on the reef (and tossing in our stones from the Irish sea) we celebrated the completion of our walk with a couple of beers in "Wainwrights" pub right on the water's edge.

Monday night we celebrated the end of our walk with dinner at the XXXX hotel. (I will dig up a group photo from somebody.)

Intake Farm near Littlebeck

September 4, 2016

We were now on the edge of the high moors that we could see from the castle in Richmond. We walked straight up onto the moor from the pub. It was a wet and foggy place, and some of us were wondering about running into bogs. But fortunately most of the morning we were walking along an old railway right of way that was solid and pretty easy walking. But the rain kept on coming.

We had been told to expect to see a lone pub on the moor (the "Lion") after 10 or so miles, but one needed to see it to get to it. We could not see more than a few 100 yards in the fog and rain. Fortunately Wes was scouting ahead of us and spotted the pub, and stayed on the track where we had to divert to the pub. Even then we almost missed the pub.

The pub was very appreciated.  It was totally isolated on the moor, but obviously a favorite gathering place and so quite busy. As we all dragged in 'wet and soggy" we gathered in one of the rooms with an open fire, and ordered beer and hot chips. After warming up so of our crew started to bail out and take a cab - only 6 hardy fools ventured on - Kaiko, Hiroshi, Bryce, Richard, Sharon and me.

We were soon split up. Sharon got way ahead, Richard and Bryce were in the rear, Kaiko, Hiroshi and I somewhere in the middle. The B & B farm turned out to be hard to find, but we eventually all arrived.