Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ingleby Cross - the longest day

Thursday September 1, 2016

I am not too sure what the hurry was, but when you are in  group its best to go with the "group decision"? So we were up at 6;30, breakfast at 7:00 and out the door at 7:30 AM. Turns out that the person that pushed this decision decided to catch the bus! So there were only 5 of us.

No one is sure how far we walked, but some where between 23 and 25 miles. Bloody long way. We eventually arrived at 5 PM, 10 hours later. We maybe took one hour for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a quick pub visit.

Bryce leading the way out of Richmond

Thru a field

Working on expanding the freeway, they discovered Roman ruins

Nice old church

Listening to the radio

Taking a break

Then we found a pub

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