Monday, September 5, 2016

Robin Hood Bay

Monday September 5, 2016

A much nicer day for our last day - plus it was short, only about 12 miles. We were still a few miles from the coast and walked thru a variety of topography for several miles. For a few miles we walked in a gully between high stone fences, felt a bit like a 'secret passageway"

Nice walk thru the forest.

Parts of the train were nicely improved.

A few more miles on the moor

Walking on a trail between rock fences

A little town we passed through.

The English populate these sad little holiday places near the coast.  We walked thru one to reach the coast trail.

Looks like the North Sea to me!

The trail led us around the coast for a mile or two.

Robin Hood bay at low tide. Where can I put my towel?

Heading into town

We walked into town and were settled in our last B&B by about 3 PM. Gave us time to clean up and wander down to the water's edge. Robin Hood Bay "town" was a cute little place with a couple of pups and some tourist shops - but no cash machine. After walking to water on the reef (and tossing in our stones from the Irish sea) we celebrated the completion of our walk with a couple of beers in "Wainwrights" pub right on the water's edge.

Monday night we celebrated the end of our walk with dinner at the XXXX hotel. (I will dig up a group photo from somebody.)

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