Friday, September 2, 2016

Greater Broughten

Friday September 2, 2016

Another day with no rain. Today we climbed up into the moors.We saw the North Sea for the first time. The views of the East coast were pleasant. The heather was pretty. We did not encounter any bogs. There were more locals taking the walk - seemed like the thing to do on a dry weekend.

At lunch time we arrived at a park facility that included a cafe for walkers. From this point the trail involved climbing and descending over 3 or 4 large ridges, which promised to be tiring. A few people pulled out and took the "easy route" around the low land. By the last ridge Sharon and I were the only walkers on the "official route" and we plodded on.

Tonight's hotel was a few miles from the trail end so they had sent a car to pick us up. The "short-cutters" had to wait for Sharon and I to finish. There was a wedding at the hotel - enough said!

North Sea in the distance

Hiroshi in the heather

The lunch place


Always up

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