Monday, September 12, 2016


End of Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Jerry and Kate met me at the Bath railway station at a bout 7:30 PM. They had been visiting their son (my God Child!) in London and basically picked me up on their way home. Was certainly fun to see them again - it had been many moons since our/my last visit. We chatted and went to bed.

Wednesday, September 7 , 2016

Walked into downtown Frome (Rhymes with broom) for a look around and cup of coffee. Walked past Jerry and Kate's previous business and had a peek in the door. Then after a light lunch drove to Bristol to visit Jerry's sister Sherry. We chatted and reminisced most of the afternoon and ended up eating at the local pub together.

Jerry and Kate

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Jerry and Kate drove me back to Bath to catch the train to Birmingham. It was another 3 hour train ride with a couple of connections. Since I was in First Class I was offered lunch and afternoon tea.

Scones and jam and "clotted" cream - yum

I missed the airport connection at Stockport and so needed to catch another train to "Manchester Piccadilly" and then the airport train from there. Fortunately I had lots of time to mess up.

That night I slept at an (expensive) airport hotel but my flight was at 8 AM and I was advised to be at the counter no later than 6 AM. I am starting to hate airlines.

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