Monday, September 12, 2016

Homeless in Charleston

Saturday, September 10, 2016

We were back in the Charleston area by late afternoon after an uneventful drive. We were both a bit jet lagged, although strangely from "different directions". It was still way too hot to sleep on the boat so we had tried to arrange a B&B as we drove south, but with no success. The local hotels were full or too expensive, so we headed to Kylie's. Deidre got the spare bed and I slept on the couch.

We did pop in to see Tide Hiker - the new (underwater) hull looked great - the rest of her was very dirty. Boatyards are such dirty places.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Out to breakfast with Kylie and Mason, Ryan headed to his parents. Then off to the boat yard, it was another very hot day. While Deidre unpacked the cases I washed the decks and cleaned the ICW mustache off her bow, and then applied wax below the rub rail.

Sunday night we stayed at the same B&B as before our departure to DC.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tide Hiker could not be launched until afternoon because of the tide. So we took it easy at the B&B then visited Kylie and Mason for lunch. Tide Hiker was launched about 4 PM and we slept aboard.

Tide Hiker showing her new and expensive bottom

In we go!


The mechanic visited to start the engines and check his work. We took it easy, watching the weather. "Slack" tide was at 6:30 PM near our marina, so we cast off at 4:30 PM for the 11 mile run. Deidre stayed ashore and drove the car and met me at our marina to take the lines. Dinner on board - bliss.

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