Thursday, April 26, 2012

Harbor Town, Hilton Head.32 08.281 N, 80 48.649 W

Bliss (and Internet Access!)

Hilton Head
We have decided that this is really the perfect marina.  It's a resort marina on a resort island, run by Hilton. It ain't cheap, but we deserve it, and we are out of the wind! Plus, we arrived really early so we get our full 24 hours. One example of why its worth it - they sent an attendant into the channel in a "tinny" to lead us in. He jumped onto our dock ahead of us, took the lines from Deidre, tied us up and presented us with a bottle of red wine. Not bad.

We came here with our friends the Clements in the Bayliner maybe a dozen years ago and we have great memories of that trip and our stay here. There are a dozen restaurants (we have a 10% coupon too!) and we are planning to eat out tonight. And maybe breakfast tomorrow! Since we are hooked up for electricity and water, Deidre is doing a few loads of wash and I have given the front of the boat a bath. There is strong WiFi so I can catch up on the blog. We have returned from the wilderness!

Coastal Cruise Ships.

We have noticed these "mini" cruise ships in several ports now, and also have come across one on the ICW. This one is "parked" at Hilton Head. If it is still here when we leave tomorrow I will get a closer photo. There was also one at Fernandina Beach. They seem to have about 3 rows of 6 cabins on either side and carry silver haired people that are happy to wave at us.

We are now only about 60 miles (as the crow flies) from Charleston. We plan to do it in 3 days, stopping for a night in Beaufort, the next night at anchor,  and arrive at the IOP on Sunday. Ky has the day off, so plans to meet us. We will then have a long week before Deidre heads to Australia.

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