Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Near New Smyna

Easy run North today. Went thru a couple of nice "Cuts" and past a few small holiday towns. We were through New Smyrna soon after lunch looking for an anchorage. We decided upon "Rock House Creek" and dropped anchor by about 3PM. That's when the fun began - again.

The Mystery of Anchoring

The anchorage is a small inlet between two of the many "islets". It is nice and deep, especially on the south side, and protected from the wind thru about 270 degrees, but with a sandbank on the east end. We turned into the opening, targeted the "middle", turned into the wind and dropped the anchor, sort of where we intended.

The boat settled into the most awkward pose. Like we were aground, or the anchor chain was caught on a rudder or propeller shaft, which seemed unlikely. It just made no sense. The breeze was light and was "east-ish" and there was a current that was probably "west-ish", but the boat just did not seem to know "what to do". The anchor rode was off in the most unlikely direction and the boat was pointing "nowhere".

But we are learning. "If it does not seem right, MOVE." So we picked another spot about 1/4 mile back east, and went thru the hassle of recovering the anchor. This time we paid more heed of the current (the tide was obviously going out thru this inlet) and the boat behaved like it knew what to do. The result is that we are totally "settled" and very comfortable. Here are a couple of photos, one east towards the entrance, one west towards the ICW

Looking west
Looking East

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