Saturday, April 28, 2012

Too Goo Doo Creek 32 40.204N 80 17.476W

Let's not do that again.

It all worked out OK in the end, but being on the bulkhead was a hassle. The wall was rather rough, the tide was about 6' (so we needed to monitor the fenders all night), and we were right where the "action" was so there were people wandering about all night. Also, it was hard for Deidre to get on and off the boat, and so when we were invited for dinner we declined. But Deidre and I managed to get off the boat this morning and walk into town for breakfast. And that was good. I did not get a great nights sleep - I seemed to be up and prowling with the flashlight every hour or so.

Travelling Companion
Its a new day (Saturday April 28)

We were under way by 10AM and the conditions were perfect. The water was like glass. We were only about 50 miles (as the crow flies) from Charleston, and we had decided to make it two easy days. Coincidentally there were a bunch of trawlers in Beaufort that night, and so we had plenty of company on the water, and there was lots of radio chatter. Most were bound for Charleston, so we bid farewell over the radio as we veered off into this creek.

This seems to be a great anchorage - nice and wide, protected from a very mild south wind and a sandy bottom to anchor in. We are getting better at anchoring and the whole thing went off well. So we have a relaxing afternoon planned.

Entering Too Goo Doo Creek
Tomorrow we will reach Charleston. It will be fun to approach the IOP from the water. Kylie called us this afternoon with the news that there is a boat in "our dock" and so maybe we will not be able to take possession on Sunday (the 29th) as planned. I have emailed the owner - lets see what he says.

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