Thursday, April 19, 2012

M.T.O.A. Rendezvous

Thursday Evening

We have just made it back to Tide Hiker after the Awards Dinner, the last event of the rendezvous. Tomorrow we plan to get underway and head north, probably to a marina in St. Mary's, which will put us in Georgia. We may decide to buy fuel at the commercial dock before we leave, as we hear it is only about $3.75 a gallon. St Mary's is only a few miles away, but we feel the need to get into a dock where we can charge the batteries 100% and give the boat a good wash, and take a break ourselves.

The MTOA Rendezvous has been really great. We have met a lot of new people and learned a bit more about boating. Today was a busy day, and a good example -

9:00 AM: "How to pick up a mooring ball"
10:30 AM: "Provisioning for the Bahamas"
1:30 PM: "Using distress flares"
3:00 PM: "Great Loop I"
4: 30 PM: "Great Loop II"
5:30 PM: New members photo
7:00 PM: Awards dinner.

The dinner was in a tent on the water front. It was a paper plate and plastic cutlery sort of dinner, but filled us up. After a while the "no-see-ums" arrived and we all beat a path home. Its almost 9PM now, so we will stay up till the batteries are charged and then hit the sack

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