Wednesday, April 11, 2012

North Daytona Beach 29 14.058 N 81 01.397 W

Short day today. We have been "invited" to a party in a location called "Palm Shores" which is about 40 miles from our anchorage last night and 30 miles from our new location today. The problem is that there appear to be no decent anchorages between here and there. So we had a lazy start this morning and did the 10 or so miles by lunch. We are anchored in the North Datona Beach area at the above Latitude and Longitude and we will make an early start in the AM.

But the time is not being wasted! Deidre did the "whites" washing this morning and it was out to dry on the "Boat Deck" when we got under way. The washer and dryer are in the engine room, which is a bit hard on Deidre, but she seems to be getting the hang of it.

Now we are anchored, it will be a quiet day of emails, computer, books and TV, and just maybe some eating.

Pelican Island
Stupid Anchor

This is another example of "Stupid Anchor". The bow of the boat is on the left of the photo. The chain is the anchor chain, the rope is the "snubber" which is connected to a ring near the waterline at the bow. (It serves to lower the point of connection to the boat, thereby improving the scope by a factor of about 2 in shallow water - AKA Florida)

I would expect the boat to point into the wind or the current, or the average of them both. But not Tide Hiker, she points where she feels like it just to confuse me. All the nice yachts are lined up like cows in a paddock, but Tide Hiker is "looking the other way".

Nice Fishing Boat

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob, Thanks for the Lat & Long. I copied it into Google Earth and got a satellite view of your anchorage. Got a better idea of where you are.

