Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kilkenny Creek 34 46.710N 81 11.018W

I am so fed up with this bloody wind! We just do not seem to get away from it. It is really starting to get under my skin. It is not so bad when we are moving, but finding a protected anchorage and making sure that the anchor does not drag becomes a chore!

We made it to an anchorage in Kilkenny Creek today. Apart from the wind, it was a pleasant enough ride.

Each afternoon we find ourselves scouring the charts for an anchorage that is deep enough ( 10' to 20' is good) that is wide enough (we put out at least about 100' feet of chain so we need 200' of swing room - assuming the bottom is level  and it usually is not) that has good holding bottom (we like sand and have become wary of soft mud) AND that gives us some protection from the bloody wind. But a problem is that there are no (or few) trees, so even though we may be tucked in behind an "island", the "island" may be only 2' above the water and so offers little protection. Oh well, its good to some times remember we are doing this for fun!

This location had some extra appeal in that another mile or so up the creek there was a 'fishing camp" style marina that we could run to in a pinch. Was not needed, but it was there.


  1. Google Earth places you in the middle of a forest. Should be out of the wind amongst the trees. HaHa
