Sunday, June 17, 2012


Sunday June 17
35 31.890N
76 37.376W

We took our time getting organized this morning but even so we had the engines running and were off the dock by about 9:15AM. We immediately headed for the channel, but there was a big fat ferry right in the way, so we backed off and did a few laps of the anchorage until the ferry was out of the way.

The wind was still blowing from the North, but not so bad. The first few miles were a bit rolly (Deidre retired to the couch feeling a little strange) but half way across everything had settled down, and when we were in the lee of XXX peninsula, it was smooth sailing.

Belhaven from anchorage
Arrived at the Belhaven anchorage at about 3:30PM and dropped the anchor. It is very sheltered here, even if there was a wind, and there is not a breath. After we did our various "we are at anchor jobs" we popped on the TV - lo and behold we have about 10 channels, including the US Open Golf. Its also very quiet, and Deidre loves that. So it will be a relaxing evening. The internet connection is also decent, so I will upload some of the Ocracoke photos.

Tomorrow we have lots of ICW to cover.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Breakfast on the aft deck
We have decided to stay for the day. What's the hurry? Our friends in Ocracoke told us "The museum is a must see" and "The bakery is to die for!" How can we resist?

So we had breakfast on the aft deck and took it easy. We had the dinghy in the water by about 11AM and headed to town. We found a spot where we could tie up and get out, right next to the hospital.

We were immediately underwhelmed. We walked into "the center of town" to find a place that the freeway seemed to have passed. There were only a couple of shops open, but one was "the bakery" so we gave it a try. Couple of stale buns later we were back on the street.

Hey, where is my walker?
The Museum was closed till 1PM so we tried the only other place "The Senior Center" (We had detected a wifi signal from the bakery next door. This had potential!) Since I was now 65 years old, I felt right at home. The wifi was OK, so we did some emailing and I spent an hour downloading charts. We made a donation on our way out and headed for the museum.

The museum did not open! We gave up at 1:15PM and headed back to the boat for a longer cocktail hour.

For a moment, this gave us hope. What a shame nothing in the town resembled the cool little sign.


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