Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ingram Bay, Sandy Point

Thursday June 28, 2012
37 49.421 N
76 18.890 W

Another great anchorage - we are starting to like the Chesapeake! Yesterday we made arrangements to spend tonight at a private dock in the Little Wicomico River. When making our float plan we had noticed that the entrance looked a bit dicey, so we called our host to check. He told us "No probs" and so off we went his morning.

First Swim
We arrived at the opening about 3PM and made a valiant attempt to get over the shoal but when the depth under the boat was down to 12" we chickened out. We had called our host several times for "local knowledge" but our calls were going to voice mail. The weather was also deteriorating, as forecast, so we changed plans and headed back south 10 miles to Ingram Bay, where we had back up anchorages. And here we are. Even had a swim.

Bill Mikler has heart surgery today. I feel a long way away. I am sure it will go well. We are waiting for a post op call from Tonni.

Sue and Bruce will join us in the Solomons on Sunday. We are very excited. It will be fun to have friends on board. We had planned to take a slip at the marina for the whole weekend, so we could get prepared, but they are booked till Sunday. So tonight we will make "Plan B".

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