Tuesday, June 12, 2012

South River Anchorage

Monday June 11, 2012
34 55.954 N
76 34.256

This is a great transit anchorage - wide, sheltered, good holding, pleasant scenery and reliable depth. But virtually zero internet access (I am typing this in Ocracoke) and definitely no water activities - the water is murky and there is a lot of jelly fish.

We did not leave Lookout Cape till after lunch. We wanted to pick up mail in Morehead City, and our package of mail was not expected at the marina till about 1PM, so we took our time. We radioed the marina on the way in and were told "Your mail package has just arrived". So all we had to do was nudge the boat up to the face dock and one of the helpers passed it to Deidre. Its fun getting the mail, even if it is all just bills!

A few minutes later we were back on the ICW heading for the Neuse River. We had picked out a couple of possible anchorages with the South River as the furthest. The day was calm and we made good time so we just keep running and ended up here by about 5PM. The south wind had picked up (and was forecast to continue) so we nosed into the wind towards the northern shore and dropped the hook. Deidre gave me some chicken to grill and I enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the river while on the boat deck.

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