Saturday, June 2, 2012

Butler Island

June 1, 2012
33 25.580N
79 12.357W

Tide Hiker at Georgetown
Georgetown is a dozen miles north of the Santee, and is a pleasant coastal town (with a small steel mill and a paper mill) and was the target for lunch. It has a quaint "old town" on the river harking back to the sail boat era with an interesting water front and plenty of free places to tie up. We arrived about Noon and let the kids lose. Also, Deidre had a little shopping to do (milk and juice) and I wanted to visit the bank, and we thought a break from the boat would be good for everyone.

About 4 PM we headed out again, intending to anchor behind Butler Island about 10 miles north. Just about then a change blew in with some strong winds, and that had me a bit nervous. But the anchorage was a beauty, with lots of deep protected water and lots of room. When we arrived it was blowing from the south-west - nothing serious, maybe 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph, but Deidre and I did a good job getting the anchor down

It turned into a perfect evening. The rain settled the wind down to zero, and after the rain passed the water was dead calm and slate gray. David and I sat on the aft deck with a Tequilla Sunrise and soaked in the ambiance. Nice, it cannot get much better than this.

I decided (since I am the captain!) that we could all sleep without air conditioning, which we did, but seems like it was a mistake as some people did not sleep very well that night. Lesson learned!

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