Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Tuesday June 26, 2012
37 32.341 N
76 20.077W

We are right in the middle!
We are getting better at finding anchorages. After a rather rough passage, this place is a gem.In fact, its so nice we have decided to stay two nights. This is a satellite image that Bryce sent me. The anchorage is protected from all directions except south - there is about 2 miles fetch from the south, so even that is not too bad. Nice houses with neat lawns all around, a small marina to the west.

Yesterday's passage was a bit bumpy. It was a sunny day, but the wind got up to 20/25 MPH with some stronger gusts. It was a northerly, so we were heading right into it most of the day. I thought Tide Hiker handled it well, though the bow did tend to go "up and down a bit". Deidre did not put on her life jacket, so it could not have been that bad. Biggest problem was that we had "corn on the cob" for lunch and it rolled around in the microwave and then on our plates as we tried to eat it.

Wolf Trap Light
We went past a shoal called "Wolf Trap". (That may not ring any bells in Australia, but it is also the name of a well known outdoor theater here - think "Meyer Music Bowl"). Well, it is originally a shoal in Chesapeake where the British navy ship "Wolf" sank back "in the day" and now the sight of a caisson style light house build in the early 1800's. We did not get too close, and our camera is not too great, but here is a photo.

We will resume our northerly trek in the AM. Our immediate objective is to get to a marina in "The Solomons" by Friday night. Our friends Bonnie and Jon are there, plus we are planning to meet up with Sue and Bruce at the marina on Sunday, and spend a week together on board.

Close the windows!

As previously mentioned, the weather on Tuesday was a bit rough, but Tide Hiker did well. The crew on the other hand......

We have become so comfortable with placid weather over the last few weeks, that we forgot to close the port lights on the bow. They look into the V berth. Deidre popped down to use the jon mid afternoon Tuesday, to discover that "waves are breaking thru the port lights in the bow, and the V berth is sodden!" So first job in Fishing Bay was to drag out all the bedding, the carpet and the clothes in the top drawers to dry in the sun or go into the wash. What a lesson. So today they were screwed down!

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