Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Goat Island

Wednesday June 20, 2012
36 20.771 N
76 13.527 W

We are anchored at Goat Island on the Pasquotank River - at least for now. So far this afternoon we have tried to stay at a marina, a free dock and attempted to anchor 3 times. And I scratched the boat. We are hoping that this "third try is a charm". Its bloody hot, so we have a generator running and the AC blasting. Let's hope this anchorage lasts. I have my doubts, the bottom felt very soft and gooey.

We had a good night's sleep on the Alligator River. Following the usual morning routine we were underway at about 9:30 AM and through the swing bridge into the Albermarle Sound within the hour. The "crossing" took about three hours and then another couple of hours up the Paspoquank River to Elizabeth City.

Elizabeth City has the reputation as being cruiser friendly. The city provides a bunch of free docks for cruisers to use and arranges regular "wine and cheese" dock parties for the crews. Some times even the mayor comes down to visit the cruisers and free rides can be arranged for shopping trips etc. All sounded great.

We had a look at the free docks and were not too impressed as they looked small and we would need to back in. So we decided to try a "very reasonably" priced and "friendly" marina. We called them on the radio and they guided us to a slip. Well, it turns out a 35' boat might have been secure, but our baby's big ass was hanging out into the river and there was no way for us to get off the boat. Just crazy, and just not for us. So we excused ourselves and backed out "no hard feelings". It was tight, and I hit a pylon backing out. Shit, scratch #1.

So we headed back over to the free city slips. There was a bulkhead that looked OK, so in we went. There was no one there to meet us, so we were planning to put the boat alongside - the wind was in our favor - and I was going to jump ashore to take lines. The wind was blowing us in, so I figured it would work. Well, it did not, and I scratched the boat again.

Anchoring was the next choice. We went thru the lifting bridge and tried to anchor in the pool next to the bridge. It dragged. So we headed further up rived to another spot. We dropped the anchor twice and it dragged both times. Each time we recover the anchor ii came up covered in slime, so has to be hosed off each time. Our deck was looking like a building site. So we tried this spot and so far so good, but I am not convinced. Fingers crossed that the wind does not get up during the night.

There is another issue. Apparently the area is renowned for underwater tree stumps that grab anchors. So we have to drop the anchor with an extra line on a float that is attached to its head. If the anchor gets caught on a stump, the idea is to use the extra line to pull it out backwards. That's the theory.

Other than all the drama - its a beautiful spot. We could be in the Amazon. No sign of civilization, just water, big trees and deep and dark looking water. Its hot and still.

Tomorrow we are off to the Dismal Swamp - and our first lock!

1 comment:

  1. Looked at some pictures from the Dismal Swamp. It looked pretty fantastic to me.
