Monday, April 7, 2014

Back to Marsh Harbour

Sunday April 6, 2014
26 32.782 N
77 03.175 W

Another beautiful morning. However the forecast indicated that the weather was going to fall apart Monday/Tuesday so we decided to head back to MH. There was no big hurry so we enjoyed a lazy morning then jumpted into the dink to have a better look around,.

It seems that Treasure Key was a "planned development" where the investor(s) must have lost their pants and their underwear. Lots of canals had been dug and walled for "miles" It was quite impressive but no additional development had followed. I made a note of the wide empty canals as a potential "hurricane" hole anchorage.  (Not that we ever expect to be in this area during the season)

We dropped the mooring at about Noon and headed to Archer Cay area to have a swim on the way home. It looked interesting - we anchored about 1/4 mile off shore - but it really turned out to be "just OK". Swede Dreams was with us (More accurately we were with them.) As we were messing about in the dinghy and in the water the wind started to pick up and Deidre and I decided to split.

As we rounded the point the wind was quite strong. Nothing to bother Tide Hiker, but I was thinking about backing Tide Hiker into the slip in the wind. But MH and the marina were in the lee, so it turned out to be no big deal. So that we could have use of the dink while we were at the dock (we are tied 'starboard to" which means we cannot launch the dink when tied to the dock) I had decided to leave the dink in the water but secured "side to side" across the swim platform and back into the slip with the arrangement.

All went well. We were both tired so I suggested dinner out at a new place. When we saw the menu we both decided to eat modestly - Deidre had a bowl of soup and I had an appetizer salad and a glass of wine - still added up to $50.00. We came home and had some toast.

Lots of canals but no houses

Monday April 7, 2014

Today I sent out over 20 emails, some with multiple addresses. As of Tuesday morning I have not received one response. Seems like we are back in the 5th Dimension once again. Gmail seems to work so for now we are reverting to Gmail.

Decided to change the macerator pump - on a hunch, before I started dismantling, I removed the holding tank vent hose and "lo and behold" the pump worked. It seems like wishful thinking, but maybe the slight vacuum the pump creates prevents it from priming.

Tuesday April 8, 2014
Not much going on. The weather is stormy. Lots of reading. I eventually got my rear off the couch and into the dinghy and cleaned the mustache off the bow. The gave it a coat of wax. Working around Tide Hiker in the dinghy is very awkward.

For a change we purchased a "Captain Phillips" DVD from the local movie pirate for $5. Watched it after dinner. Was "strange" in that the Somalia language parts were subtitled in what looked like Korean. So we understood what captain Phillips understood - nothing. Good movie, even so..

Wednesday April 9, 2014
Very stormy night. I was up in the middle of the night checking out the boat. Our dinghy was jammed between the boat and a piling and taking a beating. Various items had blown over. This morning another boater turned up with one of our fenders that had blown off during the night. As a result we slept in until after 9 AM. Went over to another marina for "Rib Night" - wet ride in the dinghy

Thursday April 10, 2014
Having more problems with Cox email today - now we cannot even receive. What a pest.Amazingly, Kylie Skyped us this morning and it worked well, video and all. They both looked very well.

We are trying to make plans for the next stage of our trip to the Exhumas. Looks like we might have a weather window next Wednesday. I would say that we are ready to move on.

Went to a "meet and greet" at the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club last night. It was a bring a covered dish party, and we were not too sure what that meant. We had a fun time and met some interesting people.

Friday April 11, 2014
Quiet day. Few jobs around the boat. Weather window still looking OK for next week.

Saturday April 12, 2014
Not much going on! Went to Mangoe's for breakfast. Cold front came thru today bringing wind and cold rain. I rode a bike to the Post office and the supermarket and came back sopping wet. Billy came over for dinner - chili. watched another movie.

Sunday April 13, 2014

Monday April 14, 2014

Tuesday April 15, 2014
We plan to get underway by about 10 AM and will probably be "quiet" for several days.

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