Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Warderick Wells

Monday April 21, 2014

Another disturbed night. Some weather came thru and roughed us up. This is a windy place. The anchor alarm went off at about 5 AM. We had not dragged, just done another ‘360”. It turned out to be a nice morning.

Deidre thought I needed a treat and cooked eggs and bacon while the gen was running.

We were headed for Warderick Wells where we expected to meet up with Don & Barb on Cavara . I decided to go “outside” rather than “inside” and so we headed for Highbourne Cut. The tide was running so the water was quite broken up and squirrelly as we approached. To the extent that I could not reconcile what I was seeing in front of the boat and what the chart plotter was saying, so I bailed out and reversed course. We tried again with the same result.

That is when Deidre was able to point out a couple of “range markers” and that helped me a lot. Third time was a charm and we were through. The next 15 miles were bliss. The water was super deep (2,000’ and more) and calm. The course was a straight line. Deidre made lunch. Life was good.
We were able to make radio contact with Cavara about 10 miles out. They had already lined up a mooring ball for us.

It was an easy entry into the very narrow mooring ball field, abut all went well and we were quickly secure. Don & Barb came over in their dink and we enjoyed a good chat and a couple of beers. Don was barbequing a “London Broil” for dinner and we were invited.

The location was spectacular, tucked in a passageway between a group of low islands. The water was those spectacular colors that are hard to get used to. The area was scattered with white sandy beaches and coral reefs. Quite beautiful. Lots of photos.

Park Headquarters
Dinner on board Cavara was fun. Barb and &Don had been in a different part of the Bahamas and so there was lots of information to swap.

Tuesday April 22, 2014

Deidre and I took the dink into the park service dock and paid the mooring fee. Its a very isolated and casual place. The two staff people live in a shed on sight. There is maybe 1/2 dozen boats here. The water is so clear it is hard to see. We are surrounded by little islands.

Glass bottomed bucket
After paying our fee we rode the dink over to a deserted beach and just lolled about in the shallows. This afternoon we went snorkeling. There was a fair current so Don tied a line from the dink around his waist and we all drifted along together.

Dinner on Tide Hiker

Wednesday April 23, 2014

The "Park Service" here offers wifi internet access. For $15 you get service for 24 hours up to 100 KB. I bought my pass today and saved it until after dinner so I can get my $15 worth. There is no BTC service here so the iPad is not connecting.

Paradise found
Deidre suggested a picnic on a deserted island. We loaded the dinks and headed out around noon. The beach we chose was just amazing

Thursday April 24, 2014

I started emails this morning and my pass ran out - we had reached our limit. So I went ashore and upped another $15. On the way back Deidre found a sand bank she wanted to play on.

Spent the morning trying to catch up on emails and I am now concerned that I may have used up most of the 100 kb allocation. Oh dear.No more photos on the blog till I have done my "wok".

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